The Hot Room

在这些前所未有的时期,热室依靠印地室的支持和资源. 他们不得不关门,把整个公司搬到虚拟环境中, they are now getting back to business.


Hye Jin Kalgaonkar 首席执行官 & 创始人

Why Indy Chamber?

  • Resource Through the Pandemic
  • Business Support


During their time as Indy Chamber members, ClusterTruck发现商会帮助每个人都能进入这个城市. “印第安纳波利斯是一个做生意的好地方,社区是如此的相互支持,商会真的帮助促进了这一点,” says Chris Baggot, Co-创始人 and 首席执行官 of ClusterTruck.

Learn more about how ClusterTruck is Indy Chamber here!

Chris Baggot Co-创始人 & 首席执行官

Why Indy Chamber?

  • Community Connections
  • Networking Opportunities


As new Indianapolis residents, Fishbeck has turned to the Indy Chamber to get connected to the community. “建立人脉的机会很棒,当地的劳动力发展机会对我们来说真的很重要. 我们所做的工作需要技术水平高、受过良好教育的劳动力,我们希望通过《火博体育官网app下载》来挖掘这一点!” says Dandi Prasad, Vice 总统 and Senior Transportation Engineer.

Learn more about how Fishbeck is Indy Chamber here!

Dandi Prasad Vice 总统 & Senior Transportation Engineer

Why Indy Chamber?

  • Community Connections
  • Workforce Development Opportunities

Tinker House 火博体育官网app下载

Since becoming an Indy Chamber member, Brian Willsey, 首席执行官 of Tinker House 火博体育官网app下载, 是否发现他的会员身份是与社区建立联系的重要途径. “You get out of the Indy Chamber what you put into it. 作为火博体育官网app下载的一员,我的人际关系不断发展,这就是我成为会员的原因! Everyone who is involved in the chamber has Indianapolis at their heart, and wants to drive Indy forward. 这是一个伟大的组织,任何企业都可以加入,因为它对这个城市的发展至关重要.”


Learn more about how Tinker House 火博体育官网app下载 is Indy Chamber here!

Brian Willsey 首席执行官

Why Indy Chamber?

  • Connectivity
  • Drives growth of Indianapolis

Ignition DG

Amanda Fishburn, VP of Ignition DG in Indianapolis, 自去年6月加入火博体育官网app下载以来,他们的会员身份使他们受益匪浅. By nature of Ignition DG’s work and their staff size, 在其他行业的人参与商会的活动之前,我们没有太多机会接触他们.

“If you didn’t work with us directly, 你可能不认识我们因为我们没有理由经常出现在公众面前,” says Fishburn, “but since joining the Chamber last June, attending events and meeting people for potential partnership, getting out there, it has been great for us. We tried other things before, but because of the multidimensional platform of events, the Chamber has worked best for us.”


Learn more about how Ignititon DG is Indy Chamber here!

Amanda Fishburn Vice 总统

Why Indy Chamber?

  • Dynamic platform of events
  • 有机会通过周一上午备忘录向其他印商会成员传播信息

Workplace Safety & Health 公司, Inc.

Workplace Safety & Health 公司, Inc. 认识到印第安纳商会是当地企业促进印第安纳波利斯提供高质量商品和服务的优秀组织. In addition, 火博体育官网app下载提供的交流活动和教育机会对会员和社区来说都是非常宝贵的资源. Workplace Safety & Health 公司, Inc. is proud to be an Indy Chamber member.

Richard Griffith 总统

Why Indy Chamber?

  • 印地商会为会员和社区提供了极其宝贵的资源
  • 优秀的组织为当地商家推广优质的商品和服务


“Indy Chamber helps with more than you would think as a member. They not only help us get the word out, we also love working one-on-one with members of the sales team.”

Anna Briggs Talent Engineer, DISHER

Why Indy Chamber?

  • They work one-on-one with members
  • Helped us get the word out

Bosma Enterprises

“Through our Indy Chamber membership, 我们能够发展新的关系,改变人们做生意的思维方式,并在劳动力中发现新的人才.”

Anthony Scott Communications Specialist, Bosma Enterprises

Why Indy Chamber?

  • Helped us develop new relationships
  • Changed the way people think about doing business
  • Helped us find new talent in the workforce

Ice Miller

“成为火博体育官网app下载的一员,为我们打开了一扇我们可能从未接触过的机会之门. 这种成员资格对于建立与商界其他成员的联系和参与至关重要. 通过与商会的合作,我们能够对印第工商界产生影响,并为我们的城市创造更美好的未来. Together we can drive Indy forward.”

Melissa Proffitt Partner-in-Charge of Client Relations

Why Indy Chamber?

  • Opened the door to opportunities we may not have had access to
  • Allowed us to build connections with other members of the business community


“我真的认为印第是这个国家最适合年轻专业人士的城市. 印第是唯一一个可以让你产生影响并参与制定政策和决策的市场. In other cities, I wouldn’t have access to presidents and 首席执行官’s like I do here.”

Tom Hanley 首席执行官, Nine13Sports

Why Indy Chamber?

  • Great way to connect with other presidents and 首席执行官s
  • Allowed us to get involved in shaping policies
  • Connected us with other young professionals

Lauth Group, Inc.

“劳思集团之所以选择成为印度商会的成员,是因为商会的目标和倡议与我们的商业模式高度一致, 公司文化和我们对印第安纳州中部社区整体成功的共同热情.  印第安纳商会持续关注和领导对印第安纳州中部的经济发展和亲商环境至关重要的问题,这有助于吸引和留住我们在这个市场需要的人才, 并向全国各地的公司发出一个强烈的信息,即印第安纳波利斯地区“开放商业”。.  我们花费在支持印商会上的金钱和时间为我们的投资提供了极好的回报.”

迈克尔·J. 琼斯 总统 & 首席执行官, Lauth Group, Inc.

Why Indy Chamber?

  • Their goals and initiatives align strongly with our business model
  • They attract and retain the talent we need in this market
  • Excellent return on investment

Where You Belong

Are you ready to join us? 利用所有的经验,印度商会提供了成为成员.
